After the Wildfire Challenge
Secret Factory
Objectives: Kill all Walkers
Special Enemies: 1 x Spikey and 3 walkers on fire
There are blind spots where it is easy to get ambushed from the start of the map so I recommend staying put at the beginning to avoid losing stars. Having Dwight as Star Hero is definitely a drawback but not as much of a problem on this map because armed with the right weapons pretty much any team can survive a kill all. Give Dwight with a festive shotgun for maximum impact, and team him with Mercer using the bulldozer, obliterator or Rosita’s infused AR (and Carol’s Cookies), and Yumiko with the import .57 (and Michonne’s rainbow cat), and you should be able to keep the walkers at bay while you pick them off. Since the dawn of crippling weapons Spiky Walkers are easier to deal with as you can keep Yumiko crippling it whilst Mercer and Dwight give it tons of extra damage. In later rounds you will probably need to abandon Dwight in favour of Sasha to get all those lovely extra charge points.
After the Wildfire Challenge
Approaching Horde
Objectives: Escape through the gate
Special Enemies: 2 x Spikies
The aim of this map is to open the gate (6 turns) and escape. You can mitigate the enormous drag factor of Dwight on this map by using him as the gate opener. The initial spawn of 4 walkers are your first obstacle and picking those off are the first obstacle. There is no advantage in rushing to open the gate as the continuous spawn (that includes 2 spikies) does not start until you start the unlock. Pick off the initial spawn of 4 walkers at your leisure and then set Dwight to work. Arm Dwight with a festive shotgun for maximum impact teamed with Mercer using the bulldozer, obliterator or Rosita’s infused AR (and Carol’s Cookies), and Yumiko with the import .57 (and Michonne’s rainbow cat). With some clever use of Yumiko’s crippling you should be able to get through this without much of a fight in early rounds. Later, when the spawn rate is more intense I prefer to team Dwight with a pair of bruisers (with interrupter weapons), to absorb a bit of damage and provide Dwight with a human shield long enough to get out.
SPAWNS: Every turn from when gate unlock is initiated
After the Wildfire Challenge
Junkyard Dwellers
Objectives: Secure the area
Special Enemies: 1 x Spikey
This map has a very steep difficulty curve. In early rounds where it is guaranteed walkers die as soon as you shoot them it isn’t too tricky but as you progress it becomes more difficult to survive. The gate unlock (2 turns) triggers a spawn that includes the Spikey, so you need to be ready for that. The second obstacle is to seal off the cargo container, which stops all spawns. Mop up is required as you are required to kill all walkers that have spawned. In early rounds Dwight teamed with Mercer and Yumiko make short work of whatever comes along. Later, you want to use Dwight as the gate opener, teamed with a couple of bruisers that can absorb some damage to get you through. Dwight’s leader trait isn’t much help so you will probably want to switch him out fairly early on, in favour of a leader like Zeke who will help interrupt walker attacks and do loads of damage with the morning star.
SPAWNS: One walker each turn from the gate and the cargo container plus a turn-based countdown. An additional spawn is triggered by the gate unlock.
After the Wildfire Challenge
Abandoned Camp
Objectives: Collect the supplies and get out
Special Enemies: 1 x Tank
There is a car boot and 2 crates to unlock to activate the exit. The crate nearest the start activates a spawn of 2 walkers so be ready for that. The Tank emerges from the end closest to the exit however you are not required to kill it so get past it if you can. In early rounds Dwight teamed with Mercer and Yumiko make short work of whatever comes along. Later, you want to use Dwight as the supply opener, teamed with a couple of bruisers that can absorb some damage or if you have a good Zeke, use him and a bruiser. The beauty of Zeke on the team (armed with the morning star) is that he gives you the opportunity to get around the Tank without having to kill it by interrupting his attacks.
SPAWNS: Turn based countdown and triggered by crate unlock
After the Wildfire Challenge
Forest Farm
Objectives: Find the loot and get out
Special Enemies: None
There are 7 crates to search on this map to find the 3 with loot and then get back to the exit. In early rounds Dwight teamed with Mercer and Yumiko make short work of whatever comes along especially as there are no special enemies on this map. I recommend opening the crates on the right of the map first and working your way back towards the exit on the left before the spawn rate becomes unmanageable. Later, it becomes tricky to make Dwight useful at anything other than opening crates, whilst you absorb damage with bruisers to keep him safe. TOP TIP: This map has a ‘trick’ which guarantees 3 stars if you have enough gas to spend. With Pizza Guy Glenn as leader, teamed with Drive-by-Daryl, and a sacrifice scout, it is possible to find the loot and get back to the exit without taking on a single walker. If luck is on your side you will go 3 for 3 and find the loot and you’re done. Having one of your lower-level scouts to use as a sacrifice means that if it doesn’t work you just flee the mission and start again.
SPAWNS: Turn based countdown and each turn from right side of map
After the Wildfire Challenge
Blind Spot
Objectives: Reach the exit
Special Enemies: 1 x Tank and at least 5 walkers on fire
The first blind spot from the title of the map is just in front at the top of the map, so approach it cautiously, but there is a second as you approach the end of the map that can cost you stars right on the finish line. In early rounds Dwight teamed with Mercer and Yumiko make short work of whatever comes along especially as the only special enemy on this map is a Tank that Yumiko can keep at bay with a crippling weapon. There is a spawn point in the top left corner of the first blind spot and keeping an eye on the countdown enables you to spawn block that zone and make the map easier to handle. Approach the exit cautiously staying close to the top right to avoid ambushes.
SPAWNS: Turn based countdown