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1036 - The perfect Guild War solo score!

In order to achieve the maximum solo score in Guild Wars you must complete all 7 level 50 maps (worth 60 points each making a total of 420) and eleven of the twenty-one additional level 49 missions (worth 56 points for another 616 points) giving you the ultimate Guild War score of 1036. Two of the level 50s can be located in 20A, two in 20B, one in 20C and two in 20D) and all of the level 49 missions can be located in 19A-D and 20A-D). There is a very tight margin for error, so you will need to coordinate with your team mates if you are making a run at it, so that nobody does even one of the level 50s, or too many of the level 49s and if you need to use even one red gas it’s over.

Ultimately there is two types of team that can be successful at these levels. Since SMY was introduced the majority of players opt for this offensive ranged option for all five of the map types, but personally I still like to field a melee team, for search for clues, go to exits and often kill walkers and exits, as it keeps spawn levels at a manageable rate so you can get past the nasties before the maps get to clogged up.

Below you will find my personal journey to my first ever perfect score in Guild Wars (recorded 15th September 2022). The eagle eyed will spot that there are only 17 recordings - unfortunately one of the maps failed to record. A big thank-you to my GreensareSuper teammates for sacrificing their own scores to allow me to go for the big one!

Go to exits

After kill alls, Go to Exit maps (or GTEs) are probably the next easiest map type as there is no kill requirement. I have come to rely on a melee team in GTE maps as it keeps spawn rates low whilst you negotiate your way to the exit. For the longest time King Ezekiel was one of the worst players in the game, but his leader trait adjustment has made him the perfect leader of a melee team when you are up against non-stunnable walkers. My go-to melee team is Zeke as leader (armed with the interrupter Morning Star), Eugene (with an interrupter staff) and RGG (armed with the riot shield). The morning star gives Zeke the ability to punch holes in enemy defence so you can stun and get through without too much fighting. Euge and RGG are there to absorb a little damage and create stun walls that will get you out of a lot of tricky situations. I use Michonne’s rainbow cat with my Zeke as it is vitally important to keep him charged as he does most of the damage. I like the new support Walker Mike with my Riot Gear Glenn as quite often whilst he is making stun walls he can get cut off from the rest of the team and walker Mike will often get him to safety, and finally I use dog with my Eugene as you never know when you’re going to keep a zombie just out of reach or use it to break a team mate free of an insta-struggle with a special walker.


I play my GTEs fast, making stun walls with RGG and Euge and bouncing non-stunnable special walkers out of the way with my Zeke. Killing walkers is not a requirement of a GTE so it is better to stun and run than get into a long drawn out fight. As the morning star also has the stun capability I prioritise my Zeke attacks before using RGG to herd strays with the riot shield and as Euge can take the occasional hit from a tank I use him as Zeke’s bodyguard (no offense Jerry).

Get to the Exit 1

Get to the Exit 1

Get to the Exit 1
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Go to Exit 20A Level 49 (2)

Go to Exit 20A Level 49 (2)

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Go to Exit 20A Level 49 (3)

Go to Exit 20A Level 49 (3)

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Go to Exit 20B Level 49

Go to Exit 20B Level 49

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Go to Exit 20B Level 50

Go to Exit 20B Level 50

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Kill the Tough Walkers

Since the introduction of SMY (Sasha as leader with the winter harpoon gun, Mercer with either the ensnare bulldozer, Rosita’s assault and Yumiko with infused saviour handgun), Kill all Walker maps are very easy. A ranged team is almost unstoppable if you have armour with both gold ruthless and primed (the third silver trait has become almost irrelevant at this point). Opinion is divided regarding supports, bit I like to use Michonne’s rainbow cat with my Yumiko as it only takes 2 charge points to get her to full charge giving you more opportunities to keep Sasha and Mercer charged at the right moment. I like carol’s Cookie’s with my Mercer as it gives his attack a substantial boost when it is needed, and finally I use dog with my Sasha as you never know when you’re going to keep a zombie just out of reach.

In KTTW maps the tough one has a bolder red ‘walker class’ symbol above his head. You do not need to kill every walker on the map so the key is to get to the boss man fast and use Yumiko’s saviour handgun to set him on fire and let the flames do all the heavy lifting. Then you need to head towards the exit bypassing as many walkers as you can before the spawns start to kick in – and they will due to all the noise a ranged team makes. I prefer to use the ensnare bulldozer shotgun with my Mercer as it makes it possible to stun and root large herds of walkers as you manoeuvre towards the exit.

Kill the Tough Walker 1

Kill the Tough Walker 1

Kill the Tough Walker 1
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Kill the Tough Walker 20B Level 50

Kill the Tough Walker 20B Level 50

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Kill the Tough Walker 20A Level 50

Kill the Tough Walker 20A Level 50

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Kill Walkers and Exit

Kill Walkers and Exit maps are the wild card of Guild Wars maps. On one hand it is certainly quicker to get to your kill total if you are fielding a ranged team like SMY. However, the added noise attracts a lot of extra walkers and it is very easy to get yourself into a situation where you kill a heck of a lot more walkers than you originally needed to in order to get to the exit. For this reason, I have come to rely on a melee team in KWAE maps. For the longest time King Ezekiel was one of the worst players in the game, but his leader trait adjustment has made him the perfect leader of a melee team when you are up against non-stunnable walkers. My go-to melee team is Zeke as leader (armed with the interrupter Morning Star), Eugene (with an interrupter staff) and RGG (armed with the riot shield). The morning star gives Zeke the ability to punch holes in enemy defence so you can stun and get through without too much fighting.

I find that in the majority of Kill Walkers and Exit maps (KWAE), the spawn rate is so low when you field a melee team that rather than being cut off from the exit you actually end up in the position where all walkers on the map are dead and you are waiting for the next wave of spawns to reach the total you need to exit. Personally, I prefer it this way as you are highly unlikely to get into a tight spot that will cost you valuable tools.

Kill Walkers and Exit 1

Kill Walkers and Exit 1

Kill Walkers and Exit 1
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Kill Walkers and Exit 19B Level 49

Kill Walkers and Exit 19B Level 49

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Search for Clues

Search for clues missions are not everybody’s favourite as it can be quite tricky getting chests open with a ranged team. For this reason, I have come to rely on a melee team in S4C maps. For the longest time King Ezekiel was one of the worst players in the game, but his leader trait adjustment has made him the perfect leader of a melee team when you are up against non-stunnable walkers. My go-to melee team is Zeke as leader (armed with the interrupter Morning Star), Eugene (with an interrupter staff) and RGG (armed with the riot shield). The morning star gives Zeke the ability to punch holes in enemy defence so you can stun and get through without too much fighting. Euge and RGG are there to absorb a little damage and create stun walls that will get you out of a lot of tricky situations. I use Michonne’s rainbow cat with my Zeke as it is vitally important to keep him charged as he does most of the damage. I like the new support Walker Mike with my Riot Gear Glenn as quite often whilst he is making stun walls he can get cut off from the rest of the team and walker Mike will often get him to safety, and finally I use dog with my Eugene as you never know when you’re going to keep a zombie just out of reach or use it to break a team mate free of an insta-struggle with a special walker.


I play my S4Cs slow and steady making stun walls with RGG and Euge and open the chests at my leisure. Killing walkers is not a requirement of a S4C so quite often it is better to stun and run. Use Zeke to go around special non-stunnable walkers bouncing them in the opposite direction and create stun walls to help keep them at a distance.

Search for Clues 1

Search for Clues 1

Search for Clues 1
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Search for Clues 20B Level 49

Search for Clues 20B Level 49

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Search for Clues 20D Level 49

Search for Clues 20D Level 49

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Search for Clues 20A Level 49

Search for Clues 20A Level 49

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Kill all Walkers

Since the introduction of SMY (Sasha as leader with the winter harpoon gun, Mercer with either the ensnare bulldozer, Rosita’s assault and Yumiko with infused saviour handgun), Kill all Walker maps are very easy. A ranged team is almost unstoppable if you have armour with both gold ruthless and primed (the third silver trait has become almost irrelevant at this point). Opinion is divided regarding supports, bit I like to use Michonne’s rainbow cat with my Yumiko as it only takes 2 charge points to get her to full charge giving you more opportunities to keep Sasha and Mercer charged at the right moment. I like carol’s Cookie’s with my Mercer as it gives his attack a substantial boost when it is needed, and finally I use dog with my Sasha as you never know when you’re going to keep a zombie just out of reach.

You have all the time in the world with KAWs as there is no spawn, so keep your team charged and pick off the enemies slowly. Let them come to you wherever possible and use Sasha’s charged attack to keep Tanks, Spikies and exploding Tanks rooted and set them on fire with Yumiko’s saviour handgun. KAWs/KAZs have become attainable to almost every player and under normal circumstances it is a great way for your PvP assassins to earn loads of additional points with virtually no risk.

Kill all Walkers 1

Kill all Walkers 1

Kill all Walkers 1
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Kill all Walkers 20C Level 49

Kill all Walkers 20C Level 49

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Kill all Walkers 20D Level 50

Kill all Walkers 20D Level 50

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Kill all Walkers 19D Level 49

Kill all Walkers 19D Level 49

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©2023 by JJB Games AKA Johnny B

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