Boom Barrel Challenge
OBJECTIVES: Kill all walkers.
Kill all 15 walkers. Use exploding drums to thin the herd. An ideal candidate for SPY/SMY.
SPAWNS: One on 2nd turn (stay away from drums)
Wrecked Cellar
Video Channel
Video Channel

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Boom Barrel Challenge
Blow Through
4 stars guaranteed every time if you play this one cleverly.OBJECTIVES: Blow up the fences and get to the exit.Despite the objective title DON'T blow up the fences or you will quickly become overrun. Stab or silently kill all the walkers (at higher levels use a flare gun, but only whilst on overwatch, or you will attract more walkers). When you have killed all the walkers stab the drums and rush to the exit. Don't use Yumiko on this one as her leader trait might make Sasha blow up a drum. I have included a fail video where you can see this in action.SPAWNS: Turn based countdown (Only 3 at a time if you are using no threat weapons)
Video Channel
Video Channel

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Boom Barrel Challenge
OBJECTIVES: Break into locker and get out.
Kill walkers and destroy drum at start. Unlock the locker (2 turns). Get to exit top left of screen.
SPAWNS: Countdown (0 with a melee team).
The Locker
Video Channel
Video Channel

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Boom Barrel Challenge
OBJECTIVES: Kill the Boss Walker.
Kill the Tank Walker, and any regular walkers who approach. Exit either left or right of screen.
SPAWNS: Countdown (only 2 with melee team).
One Down
Video Channel
Video Channel

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Boom Barrel Challenge
OBJECTIVES: Find the loot and get out.
Search 5 chests to find the 3 with loot. Destroy exploding drum blocking gate and exit.
SPAWNS: Countdown (only 2 with melee team).
Big Pile
Video Channel
Video Channel

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Boom Barrel Challenge
OBJECTIVES: Get the loot and get out.
Search all 3 chests to get the loot. Get to the exit. Remember exploding drums attract walkers.
SPAWNS: Turn based countdown.
One There
Video Channel
Video Channel

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol