Lakeside Getaway Challenge
The Garden
Objectives: Open the Gate
Special Enemies: Multiple Fast Walkers
Open the red glowing gate (4 turns) and exit through it. There are spawns every turn including multiple fast walkers. In early rounds it is easy to engage head on with a ranged team, but as you progress you’ll probably have more luck with a melee team. You want to use Jerry as the gate opener, teamed with a couple of bruisers that can absorb some damage to get you through. Jerry’s leader trait isn’t much help so you will probably want to switch him out early on, in favour of a leader like Zeke who will help interrupt walker attacks and do loads of damage with the morning star. Fast walkers will usually respond to an attack with an attack of their own so it is very easy to lose stars with those in the map. Use overwatch to get hits without fear of attack and If you can use a normal walker as your primary target and the fast walker gets caught in the swing (especially a special attack) they do not respond.
SPAWNS: Every turn and triggered by gate unlock.
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Lakeside Getaway Challenge
Objectives: Kill the Boss Walker
Special Enemies: 2 x Fast Walkers
The Tank walker you need to kill is usually located at the top left of the map and the exit is on the middle left. Jerry cannot stand toe to toe with Fast Walkers, but teamed with a couple of bruisers that can absorb some damage he can scrape through if you position him diagonally, with the bruisers and interrupter weapons at the front and side. Jerry’s leader trait isn’t much help so you will probably want to switch him out early on, in favour of a leader like Zeke who will help interrupt walker attacks and do loads of damage with the morning star. There are spawns every turn from the dead piles so it is worth considering a ranged team like SPY in later rounds to get through easily. If you have your Yumiko armed with the import .57 you can cripple the Fast Walkers and set them on fire and let the flames help you out whilst you create a stun wall with Princess.
SPAWNS: Turn-based countdown and every turn from body piles
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Lakeside Getaway Challenge
Objectives: Loot the boxes and get out
Special Enemies: Multiple Fast Walkers
The objective is loot all 3 boxes and exit from the bottom right of the map. It can be tricky as each crate unlock triggers a spawn that will include Fast Walkers. You want to use Jerry as the gate opener, teamed with a couple of bruisers that can absorb some damage to get you through. Jerry’s leader trait isn’t much help so you will probably want to switch him out early on, in favour of a leader like Zeke who will help interrupt walker attacks and do loads of damage with the morning star. Fast walkers will usually respond to an attack with an attack of their own so it is very easy to lose stars with those in the map. If you can use a normal walker as your primary target and the fast walker gets caught in the swing (especially a special attack) they do not attack back.
SPAWNS: Turn-based countdown and triggered by opening crates
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Lakeside Getaway Challenge
Pile of Fire
Objectives: Blow up the pile of walkers
Special Enemies: Tanks, Fast Walkers and Walkers on Fire
Early on this map is a piece of cake especially if you have a scout on the team that can get start the detonation process (3 turns) on the first turn, however as Jerry is the star hero and doesn’t have the range of a scout so this will effectively cost you a turn. Team him with a couple of bruisers that can absorb some damage to get you through (one positioned each side of him). Jerry’s leader trait isn’t much help so you will probably want to switch him out early on, in favour of a leader like Drive-by Daryl who will enable your team to get to the exit (bottom right) without having to fight. Fast walkers will usually respond to an attack with an attack of their own so it is very easy to lose stars with those in the map. Use overwatch to draw them in as they do not fight back on overwatch attacks. There are Tanks too so Eugene is a good choice to have on your team as he has a better than average chance of dodging attacks, and RGG with the Riot Gear shield may help you create a stun wall.
SPAWNS: Turn-based countdown and every turn from body piles
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Lakeside Getaway Challenge
Secret Stash
Objectives: Find the loot and get out
Special Enemies: Multiple Fast Walkers
There are 4 crates to search to find the 3 with loot. You have a certain amount of protection due to the fact the crates are located behind a fence at the top of the map, however the exit is located bottom right so it is easy to get stuck behind it in later rounds. Early on when the walkers die on the first shot you can team Jerry with a ranged team such as Mercer and Sasha. Later you will want to use Jerry as the gate opener, teamed with a couple of bruisers that can absorb some damage to get you through. Jerry’s leader trait isn’t much help so it is worth considering a ranged team like SPY towards the end to get through more easily.
SPAWNS: Turn-based countdown
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Lakeside Getaway Challenge
Objectives: Kill all Walkers
Special Enemies: Fast walkers (Tanks and SWATs in later rounds)
This map is a simple enough kill all except that the spawns alternate between the dead piles on the left and right of the map, and they do include Fast Walkers that can cost you stars at the best of times. You want to team Jerry with a couple of bruisers that can absorb some damage to get you through. Jerry’s leader trait isn’t much help so you will probably want to switch him out early on, in favour of a leader like Zeke who will help interrupt walker attacks and do loads of damage with the morning star. Fast walkers will usually respond to an attack with an attack of their own so it is very easy to lose stars with those in the map. If you can use a normal walker as your primary target and the fast walker gets caught in the swing (especially a special attack) they do not attack back. It is worth considering a ranged team like SPY towards the end to get through more easily.
SPAWNS: Every turn from dead piles (Maximum 19)
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Video Channel

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol