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Ka-Boom Challenge

Perimeter Defence

Objectives: Get the loot and Get out

Special Enemies: 2 x SWATs plus an additional SWAT and Exploding SWAT on gate unlock

Open the 3 crates to find the loot (1 turn each), then unlock the gate (1 turn) to get to the exit. The gate unlock triggers a spawn of 1x SWAT and 2 x regular walkers at the exit and 1 x exploding SWAT from the bottom middle. With Rufus as leader this can be dangerous as he will react to the exploding SWAT spawn and can cost you valuable stars. Rufus on paper is a terrible option to have as a leader but his LT does give bruisers a big health boost so I have been having lots of luck teaming Rufus with Eugene (equipped with an interrupter staff) and RGG (armed with the riot shield). Before you unlock the gate you will need to make sure your team is fully charged to avoid getting damaged by the spawn that triggers when it unlocks, and be ready to stun the exploding SWAT before Rufus shoots him and your own guys get caught in the blast.

SPAWNS: Turn-based countdown and on gate unlock

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Ka-Boom Challenge

Fire in the Hole

Objectives: Go to the exit

Special Enemies: 2 x SWAT, 1 x Exploding SWAT. Gate unlock triggers an exploding SWAT spawn every turn from top middle and 1 more by the exit

You need to fight your way to the gate to unlock it (1 turn) then get to the exit on the right side of the map. The gate unlock triggers continuous spawns that include exploding SWATs. This map is fairly easy in the early rounds as you can use your Rufus to blow up the exploding SWATs and get to the gate fast, and do the same with the exit. Unfortunately, even with Rosita’s AR and primed armour, Rufus becomes quite redundant as he would have his traits and badges set to defensive that means he can shoot all day long and barely make a dent on most walkers. At higher levels I prefer to switch him out for what I’m calling my ‘ZERG’ team. Zeke as leader armed with the interrupter Morning Star, Eugene with an interrupter staff and RGG armed with the riot shield, will get you out of a lot of tricky situations. The morning star gives Zeke the ability to punch holes in enemy defence so you can stun and get through without too much fighting. Euge and RGG are there to absorb a little damage and create stun walls. With ZERG, I use Michonne’s Rainbow cat on Zeke so he gets the possibility for extra attacks at a pinch, but I have rerolled all 3 to have the trait weakening which keeps them pretty much fully charged all the time.

SPAWNS: Turn-based countdown and every turn after gate unlock

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Ka-Boom Challenge

Dark Corner

Objectives: Kill all walkers

Special Enemies: 2 x SWATs, 1 x Tank + 1 x Exploding SWAT

This is a simple enough Kill all walkers, and there is an exploding SWAT that spawns from the gate at the top of the map on turn 2 that can really help you out, when you kill him and he takes out all nearby walkers. There is a Tank that spawns in the area to the right but if luck is on your side, he won’t get curious until you have substantially thinned the herd. Having Rufus as leader does cause a slight problem because not having the charge points that you would get from having Sasha as leader makes it trickier to maintain a stun wall. At higher levels you will want to use your SPY team (or SMY if your Mercer is good), as every kill all map is made easy by these teams.

SPAWNS: There is a spawn from the gate at the top of the map on turn 2 that includes an exploding SWAT

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Ka-Boom Challenge

Fuse Box

Objectives: Get the loot and get out

Special Enemies: 2 x SWAT, 1 x Exploding SWAT and 1 x Tank

Usually each week there is a map that makes your life difficult and this week that map is Fuse Box. The objective is to search all 3 crates to find the loot and get to the exit on the right of the map. You start inside a cage that has a switch that enables you to close one gate and open the other. At lower levels a ranged team makes short work of and walker that appears (even with the huge drag factor of having a defensive assault like Rufus as the leader). If you time your shot at the exploding SWAT carefully you can take out lots of nearby walkers, however the explosion does attract lots of additional walkers on the next spawn, making timing even more crucial. I like to get the crates on the top left and bottom of the map early and do my best to use my RGG to create a stun wall to enable your team to get over to the right of the map without getting caught up in a costly battle. You will find that your Rufus very quickly becomes redundant on this map, and the higher you go the more unmanageable the spawns get. I had most luck with my ZERG team (Zeke as leader armed with the interrupter Morning Star, Eugene with an interrupter staff and RGG armed with the riot shield). They all now have the trait weakening which makes it much easier to keep them charged and maintain the stun wall so that you can go around rather than through the horde. The only real issue is the Tank, but if you use the gate to manoeuvre him towards the back of the herd you can neutralise this threat.

SPAWNS: Turn-based countdown

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Ka-Boom Challenge

Old Bricks

Objectives: Get the loot and get out

Special Enemies: 2 x SWATs and 2 x Exploding SWATs

This map can cause you problems later on (especially when you start getting Tanks added into the mix but in early rounds you can use the 2 exploding SWATs to your advantage to take out most of the opposing forces and leave you free to search the crates. There are 5 crates to search to find the 3 with loot then get to the exit at the top right of the map. In early rounds a ranged team will make short work of all enemies (although you do need to watch out for the blind spots that can cost you stars), but velater on I prefer to team Rufus with Eugene and Riot Gear Glenn. Rufus’s leader trait gis your bruisers a massive health boost so if you can use him to take out the exploding Walker and the nearby walkers at the bottom middle first you can make your way along the bottom of the map stunning and opening crates. The second exploding SWAT will help you clear a path to the exit. Occasionally you will get trapped in the bottom section by a bottle neck in the corridor towards the exit, so a well-timed flare can make the difference between 4 stars and 1 star after a tricky battle.

SPAWNS: Every turn

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Ka-Boom Challenge

Lock In

Objectives: Secure the area

Special Enemies: SWATs plus an exploding SWAT triggered by gate lock

The aim of this map is to lock the gate (3 turns) and kill all remaining walkers. The gate unlock triggers spawns from the left of the map that includes an exploding SWAT in addition to the spawns each turn from the gate until it locks. In early rounds you can use your Rufus as the gate closer whilst you create a stun wall with Eugene and RGG. When the time is right you can use Rufus to blow up the exploding SWAT taking out all nearby walkers and mop up the rest with your bruisers. As you progress through to higher levels you will probably have more luck with the ZERG team as Rufus is pretty redundant badged defensively and he just doesn’t earn enough charge points to maintain a stun wall.

SPAWNS: Every turn from gate and additional spawn on gate lock

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