Rise Up Against Negan
OBJECTIVES: Kill all walkers.
Kill all 16 regular walkers and the tank. The spawns occur after each wave is killed, so watch the edges.
SPAWNS: Immediately after each wave is killed.
Graveyard Shift
Video Channel
Video Channel

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Rise Up Against Negan
OBJECTIVES: Survive the horde
Kill any the walkers that spawn. Try to stay near the camper van. When door activates, 1 turn to exit.
SPAWNS: On every turn until escape.
Video Channel
Video Channel

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Rise Up Against Negan
OBJECTIVES: Quiet the noise and get out.
Stay ahead of the horde and switch off the stereos.
Silence 3rd stereo (guarded by 2 tanks) then exit.
SPAWNS: Every turn.
Daryl’s Nightmare
Video Channel
Video Channel

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Rise Up Against Negan
OBJECTIVES: Quiet the noise and kill all walkers.
Get the car stereo turned off fast and kill all the remaining walkers. Pizza guy is great here.
SPAWNS: Until car stereo is switched off.
Video Channel
Video Channel

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Rise Up Against Negan
OBJECTIVES: Kill Spiked Walkers and get out.
Kill Spikey 1 and all walkers that spawn. When Spikey 1 dies, Spikey 2 appears. Kill that, and exit.
SPAWNS: Turn based countdown
Video Channel
Video Channel

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Rise Up Against Negan
OBJECTIVES: Get off the beach.
Fight your way to the exit on the left hand side. Get to the exit fast as the spawn rate is set to heavy.
SPAWNS: Every turn, from sand piles.
Beach Life
Video Channel
Video Channel

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol