Alexandria Challenge
Good Neighbours
Objectives: Loot the boxes and get out
Special Enemies: 1 x SWAT on each of the left and right box unlocks
There are worse Star Heroes than Beta, and you should strive to use his leader trait to herd as well as kill walkers, as there is no kill requirement in this map. There are three boxes to loot and opening the boxes triggers spawns in addition to the turn-based countdown. Plan your unlocks carefully to allow for the spawns as opening the boxes on the left and the right also triggers a SWAT to spawn. You aren’t required to kill them so teaming Beta with a couple of decent bruisers armed with interrupter weapons should help you get in and out without too much fighting. Fight smart not hard here and do your best to get to the exit without getting drawn into tough battles.
SPAWNS: Turn based countdown and on each box unlock
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Alexandria Challenge
Yard Work
Objectives: Find the loot and get out
Special Enemies: 2 x Tanks
There are worse Star Heroes than Beta, and you should strive to use his leader trait to herd as well as kill walkers, as there is no kill requirement in this map. There are six crates to unlock but only three have loot. On the initial spawn there is one Tank, and when you find the third piece of loot there is a second spawn that includes an additional Tank. These guys won’t be herded however you can use Beta’s LT to get past them without getting hit. Team Beta with a couple of decent bruisers armed with interrupter weapons and if luck is on your side and you find the loot early you can get in and out without too much fighting. Fight smart not hard here and do your best to get to the exit without getting drawn into tough battles.
SPAWNS: Turn based countdown and on third loot found
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Alexandria Challenge
The Back Lot
Objectives: Open the Gate
Special Enemies: None
You spawn behind a locked door (2 turns to unlock), where a single walker spawns every turn until the door opens. Once the door is open you must fight your way to the exit on the right of the map. In early rounds you can team Carl with Yumiko (armed with a crippling weapon) and Mercer (armed with the Bulldozer Shotgun), as the walkers shouldn’t put up much of a fight. In later rounds you may wish to team him with a pair of bruisers to fend off the horde while Carl does the gate opening. The riot shield can be very effective on one of your bruisers here to get your team past the horde without having to fight and kill every walker.
SPAWNS: Turn based countdown and one walker spawns each turn from the left of the map
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Alexandria Challenge
Red Carpet
Objectives: Get to the exit
Special Enemies: 1 x Tank
There are worse Star Heroes than Beta, and you should strive to use his leader trait to herd as well as kill walkers, as there is no kill requirement in this map. On the initial spawn there is one Tank that will normally appear on the top left of the map, so usually the best strategy is to aim for the bottom right side to exit as the Tanks can’t be herded. Team Beta with a couple of decent bruisers armed with interrupter weapons and if luck is on your side you can get to the exit without too much fighting. Fight smart not hard here and do your best to get to the exit without getting drawn into tough battles.
SPAWNS: Turn based countdown
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Alexandria Challenge
Big Boss Man
Objectives: Kill the Boss Walker and it’s entourage
Special Enemies: 1 x Tank
As warriors start charged in this challenge it can be very useful to team Beta with Zeke (also armed with the Morning Star) and a great bruiser like Euge (armed with an interrupter Staff/Hockey Stick) for maximum effect. The second spawn does not trigger until you have finished off the first spawn, so you can afford to take your time here a bit to pick off the regular walkers and utilise Zeke’s LT to gradually wear down the Tank, without taking any damage. Be ready for the second spawn as they will attack straight away so while Zeke is taking care of the Tank keep your Beta and Eugene on overwatch. The second spawn comes from the top left and bottom right by the car. If you plan this well Beta and Euge can use their charge attacks to neutralise the spawn from the top left allowing you more wiggle room to take on the remaining walkers. It is even possible to use the car to your advantage to stay in front of the herd circling the car, and pick them off slowly as you do not have to worry about a turn-based countdown.
SPAWNS: Finishing the initial spawn triggers a second spawn
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Alexandria Challenge
Gate Crashing
Objectives: Open the gate and get into Alexandria
Special Enemies: None
Spawn blocking is one of the keys to success on this map and Pizza Guy Glenn can also be pretty vital. The gate takes four pushes to unlock, and having PGG pushing means that it can be opened in fewer turns so long as he is protected. Take out the initial spawn before getting into position in the top left corner blocking the spawn of two walkers before getting PGG opening. Beta starts charged, and if you team him with Riot Gear Glenn there is a good chance he will start charged also. I arm my RGG with the riot shield as a matter of course as it can be very effective if you want to get in and out of a mission fast rather than getting into a costly fight. Use Beta armed with the Morning Star and use his charge attack to hopefully stun walkers and if luck is on your side you can get to one of the two exits without too much fighting. Fight smart not hard here and do your best to get to the exit without getting drawn into tough battles.
SPAWNS: Turn based countdown and on each of the four gate pushes
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol