Memory Lane Challenge
SPECIAL ENEMIES: 2 ranged raiders + 2 melee raiders
OBJECTIVES: Find the loot and get out
Every week there is a map that will cause huge problems, but in Memory Lane there are two. This one is by far the hardest, because if either the shooter or the hunter raiders fire off a shot at your Daryl he instantly goes into the red. I move him into cover in the first move and protect him with the 2 bruisers (usually Eugene and T-Dog) to absorb damage. Walkers attack raiders too (in theory) so your best shot here is to try and let the walkers take out the raiders. Once they are struggling you have more chance to get to the chests, but check to see whether the hunter is incapacitated too. There are 3 chests to search and then get to the exit on the right.
SPAWNS: Turn based countdown.
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Memory Lane Challenge
Shine a Light
OBJECTIVES: Get to the exit on the right side of the screen
As the Star Hero is Daryl this week we will need to play to his strengths (reduced chance attracting walkers and increased chance of critical hits) using either the winter harpoon gun on some maps or the festive shotgun on others. In the early rounds this map is pretty easy to do with a modified version of SPY/SMY with Daryl as leader, but without Sasha’s increased charges LT, you will probably have more luck keeping spawn rates down, by teaming him with a melee class team. I’m having some success arming him with the winter harpoon gun and teaming him with Zeke and Eugene (with interrupter weapons). You don’t actually have to kill the tank you just need to get past him, so Zeke is great here to help the team get past him to the exit on the right side of the map.
SPAWNS: Turn based countdown.
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Memory Lane Challenge
OBJECTIVES: KILL all 3 tanks and 7 regular walkers
Daryl armed with a Harpoon Gun, teamed with Yumi and Hilltop with Crippling weapons work great here. I always use the Import 57 on my Yumi as it sets them on fire too, which will be pretty vital in later rounds.
SPAWNS: none.
Hershel’s Farm
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Memory Lane Challenge
Kill Room
OBJECTIVES: Clear the room of lurkers
As the Star Hero is Daryl, his LT is fairly useless so if you arm him with the Festive shotgun try to make your charged attack counts by setting both tanks on fire. There are no spawns on this map but the walkers and tanks descend on you very fast. Early on it’s easy enough to clear this one with a ranged team but you will quickly find that you need to team Daryl with players who can take a hit or in Zeke’s case not take hits at all. It’s easier to defend Daryl in one of the corners, but to be honest for most of us this is a map that will be hard to earn 4 stars in as we progress through the rounds.
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Memory Lane Challenge
This is one of the easier maps in this week’s challenge. Both sides of the fence have a SWAT, a Tank and a regular walker. Arm your Daryl with a festive shotgun and you can set the tough walkers on fire, and team him with Yumi with the import 57 and Princess or mercer depending on whether you’re playing style is offensive or defensive. I’m still making improvements to my Mercer so I prefer Princess as she can stun the spawns that emerge from the top middle. Yumiko is great here as pretty much every time she shoots the others get a second shot off. When it is safe unlock the gates (1 turn each) and search the 6 chests to find the 3 with loot, and get to the exit fast. Yumiko has longer range so use her to unlock chests further away from the exit.
SPAWNS: Turn based countdown
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
Memory Lane Challenge
Killing Zone
OBJECTIVES: make your way to the exit on the right-hand side of the map
In the early rounds this map is pretty easy to do with a modified version of SPY/SMY with Daryl as leader, but without Sasha’s increased charges LT, you will probably have more luck keeping spawn rates down, by teaming him with a melee class team. I’m having some success arming him with the winter harpoon gun and teaming him with Zeke and Eugene (with interrupter weapons). You don’t actually have to kill the tank you just need to get past him, so Zeke is great here to help the team get past him to the exit on the right side of the map.
SPAWNS: Turn based countdown
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Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol