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Welcome to Woodbury Challenge

The Tank

OBJECTIVES: Set the explosives and blow up the tank

Special enemies: 1 x SWAt at start with an additional 2 when you set explosives

In most challenges there is a map that you really look forward to because they’re so easy and virtually guarantee 4 stars (if you get the right spawn). This week there are 2 pretty good ones and the first one is The Tank. If you position your heroes correctly on the first turn (and luck is on your side), you can set the 2 explosives and blow up the tank on the second turn without having to take on any more walkers. I quite like RGG on this one with the riot shield as there is a chance he will start charged and be able to herd walkers making this map even easier.

SPAWNS: On every turn with additional spawns of SWATs and regular walkers when you set the 2 explosives (1 turn each).

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Welcome to Woodbury Challenge

New Home

OBJECTIVES: Clear off the yard and into the cell block

Special enemies: SWATs

In the early rounds you may wish to pick off walkers but later it is more efficient to just head for the cell block early and get out as quick as you can. You can move the dumpster to block that entrance however this does activate additional spawns. If you can power through using Ricks charge attack to punch a hole at the bottom of the map and you use RGG with the riot shield there is a very good chance you can use the herd charged attack to get through this map with the minimum amount of fuss.

SPAWNS: Every turn from the gates in the cell block area.

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Welcome to Woodbury Challenge

Prison Cellar

OBJECTIVES: Regroup and escape

Special enemies: 1 x Tank

This map can be a tough one and speed is of the essence as you can quickly get pinned down between rooms. Each of your heroes start in 3 separate rooms and you need to get all 3 to the exit at the far left. I have been having some luck with Rick as leader, Drive-by-Daryl in the number 2 slot and either a good bruiser or Zeke in the third slot. On turn one, get your Rick as far into room 2 (middle) as you can which will spawn 2 more walkers in that room, but you will have 2 charged scouts and an additional hero within fighting distance. It is often better to end your turn there and draw the tanks to the top of the map in room 3 (far left) and lure the 4 walkers in room 2 away from the doorway. Use your charged attacks (if you need to) and Daryl’s LT wisely to get past the walkers in room 2 and make your way to the bottom of the map in room 3. From there if luck is with you can get to the exit without having to take on the Tank.

SPAWNS: On every turn with additional spawns when your heroes enter rooms and get close to the exit.

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Welcome to Woodbury Challenge

Fenced Off

OBJECTIVES: Get out together

Special enemies: 1 x Tank

This is a potentially very tricky map at higher levels because the survivor in slot 3 is on the wrong side of the fence with a Tank and loads of additional walkers. The best strategy I have been able to apply to this one is to pick off the 2 walkers on the bottom side of the map with Ricks charge ability and Beta’s herd LT if needed. I’ve been using Zeke as the trapped hero with an interrupter morning star to fend off the mild spawns at the start and try and get him and everybody else charged. Although you can only attack walkers right beside the fence with your Rick (a bit more with a spear or a warrior with morning star), you can still use them to lure the walkers to the fence and away from Zeke. Don’t be afraid to use Rick’s charge ability as it will keep your other players charged. Try and get the numbers manageable before you start to open the gate (4 turns), as this triggers additional spawns every turn. If you can keep the walkers at the right side busy with Beta attacking through the fence, you can use Zeke’s LT and charge attacks to keep relatively safe. When the gate is about to open you need to get your Zeke in position to use his charge attack to hopefully stun some walkers and get some extra travelling distance. If luck is on your side you can get close enough to the exit to make it out unharmed.

SPAWNS: Turn based countdown and additional spawns every turn once you start the gate unlock.

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Welcome to Woodbury Challenge

Death Trap

OBJECTIVES: Kill the walkers that broke through the fence

Special enemies: 2 x Tanks

At the beginning of the map it is slow and steady wins the race as there are no spawns until after you have killed all of the walkers from the initial spawn. I’ve been using Rick as leader, Eugene and Zeke with the interrupter morning star as he is great at keeping the tank at bay whilst taking no damage. Be ready (and hopefully charged) as the moment the last walker drops the truck opens and the walkers that emerge will attack straight away. Get the truck door closed (2 turns) and fight off the spawns. Watch for the stray one that enters through the gate top left. A second tank does spawn from the right side of the map once the truck door opens, but save him until last and use Zeke to finish him off without taking a scratch.

SPAWNS: After you have killed the first wave, the truck door opens and spawns emerge turn from the truck every turn (until truck door closes).

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Welcome to Woodbury Challenge

The Breach

OBJECTIVES: Kill the walkers that broke through the fence

Special enemies: 2 x Tanks

At the beginning of the map it is slow and steady wins the race as there are no spawns until after you have killed all of the walkers from the initial spawn. I’ve been using Rick as leader, Eugene and Zeke with the interrupter morning star as he is great at keeping the tank at bay whilst taking no damage. Be ready (and hopefully charged) as the moment the last walker drops the truck opens and the walkers that emerge will attack straight away. Get the truck door closed (2 turns) and fight off the spawns. Watch for the stray one that enters through the gate top left. A second tank does spawn from the right side of the map once the truck door opens, but save him until last and use Zeke to finish him off without taking a scratch.

SPAWNS: After you have killed the first wave, the truck door opens and spawns emerge turn from the truck every turn (until truck door closes).

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